After World War II, the present Japanese school system was established. Currently in Japan children must attend 9 years of compulsory education from the ages of 6 to 15. As of 1997, nearly 96.8 percent of junior high students went on to high school and 47.4 percent of high school students went on to colleges or universities.
Japanese education has a centralized uniform program. It places a heavy importance on the school students attend .Therefore,these is high competition to attend famous school. As a result , most young students attend juku (cram school) in the afternoons, evenings, and holiday to prepare for the entrance exams.
But it has seen some problems about this current system. The competition has caused increased levels of suicide, increased dropout rates and problem with bullying.
" I think Japanese education can be example for other country.Because it has a high percent of high school students. But they shouldn't be too serious about cram school because many students will be serious with their studies. Thay maybe feel like studing is a competion and they will not happy with thei studies. "